Monday 17 March 2014

MH370: The mystery of missing airplane

MARCH 2014

     The date seems to become one of  the non-forgotten date in Malaysian history when an airplane owned by Malaysian Airlines System (MAS) is told to be "missing" in moment the plane crossed the Malaysia-Vietnam air boundary near South-China Sea. An airplane of Boeing 777-200ER labelled MH370 carrying 239 passengers and crew members left the KL international Airport (KLIA) at 12:41 on Saturday. About 50 minutes after its departure, the aircraft is told to be "disappeared" from the DCA's radar at 1.30 am about 120 nautical miles east off Kota Baharu, Kelantan. The missing is quite weird because the transponder, a device that is used to send signals to communication satellite of the airplane is suddenly "turned off" without any reason. This catastrophe disable the abilities of the satellite to relocate the position of the aircraft, making it difficult to be detected. To make this case more understandable, below is the chronological about the missing airplane: 


  •  Flight MH370 carrying 239 passengers and crew members left the KL international Airport at 12.41 a.m. on Saturday.
  •  The aircraft disappeared from the DCA's radar at 1.30 a.m. about 120 nautical miles east off Kota Bahru.
  • The authorities believe the plane could be had turned back to the KLIA.
  •  A search and rescue operation (SAR) for the missing plane was launches at 5.30 am involving 15 Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) aircraft, including four Hercules C130, a CN 235, four EC725 and two Augusta helicopters, and nine ships, namely six from the Royal Malaysian Navy and three from the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) 
  • MAS group chief executive officer Ahmad Jauhari Yahya confirmed the disappearance of the aircraft at 7.30 am. The passengers were made up of 38 Malaysians, Chinese (153), Indonesians (12), Australians (7), French (three), Americans (three), New Zealanders (two), Ukrainians (two), Canadians (two), Russian (one), Italian (one), Taiwanese (one), Dutch (one), and Austrian (one). 

  •  Armed Forces chief Tan Sri Zulkifeli Mohd Zin said the search area was extended from the South China Sea to the Straits of Melaka. 
  •  DCA director-general Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman confirmed that two passengers boarded the aircraft with fake passports under the guise of an Italian and an Austrian who had reported that their passports had been stolen.

  •  Meteorological Department National Weather Centre meteorological officer Khairul Najib Ibrahim said there were no noticeable changes in the weather over the area where the plane was reported missing.
  • The searching still continues but no positive founding was reported.

  •   The Malaysian police and Interpol disclosed that the two men travelling on stolen passports were Pouria Nour Mohammad Mehrdad, 19, and Delavar Seyed Mohammad Erza, 29, with no apparent links to terrorist groups.
  • They were believed to be trying to migrate to Europe. 
  • Hishammuddin clarified a number of issues: the possibility of flight MH370 flew past the Strait of Melaka, cooperation of foreign aviation experts, and flight MH370 manifest.
  • India,Japan and Brunei involved in searching missing flight MH 370 and the total involved,12 country included Malaysia.
  • 42 ship and 39 military air craft are use in operation of searching missing flight MH370. 
  • Operation of searching missing flight MH370 has focus towards strait of Melaka from Teluk Thailand until the southwest strait of Melaka.
  • A missing Malaysian jetliner was likely steered deliberately to a course that could have taken it anywhere from central Asia to the southern Indian Ocean.
  • Earlier, a source familiar with official U.S. assessments of electronic signals sent to geostationary satellites operated by Britain's Inmarsat said it appeared most likely the plane turned south over the Indian Ocean, where it would presumably have run out of fuel and crashed into the sea.
  • The other interpretation was that the aircraft continued to fly to the northwest and headed over Indian territory.
  • Malaysian investigators are trawling through the backgrounds of the pilots, crew and ground staff who worked on a missing jetliner for clues. 
  • Police special branch officers searched the homes of the captain, 53-year-old Zaharie Ahmad Shah, and first officer, 27-year-old Fariq Abdul Hamid, in middle-class suburbs of Kuala Lumpur close to the international airport.
  • An experienced pilot, Zaharie has been described by current and former co-workers as a flying enthusiast who spent his off days operating a life-sized flight simulator he had set up at home.
  •  Investigators had taken the flight simulator for examination by experts.

  • The co-pilot of a missing Malaysian jetliner spoke the last words heard from the cockpit.
  • The last radio message from the plane an informal "all right, good night"  was spoken after the system, known as "ACARS", was shut down.
  •  Initial investigations indicate it was the co-pilot who basically spoke the last time it was recorded on tape.
  • That was a sign-off to air traffic controllers at 1.19 a.m., as the Beijing-bound plane left Malaysian airspace.

     There a lot of theories that have been connected with the missing airplane, including that the airplane have been hijacked. But yet, we still can't conclude anything because we don't know what actually happen to the plane. With the help from various countries in order to find the airplane, all we can do is just pray for the safety of the passengers and the cabin crews. To actually spared five minutes and pray to God. Pray, not only that the plane can be found, or that the passengers and crews are safe, but also to the family members and friends of those involved. Pray for their strength, so that they could accept whatever news that awaits them in the future. Pray that they will be able to hear the news, whatever it may be.


Positivism can be define in scientific method as the preferable or desirable towards a good result or achievement based on subjective and or unobservable mental states. Auguste Comte, whom was an early sociologist, came out with this kind of methodology, has maintained the application of the methods and assumptions of the natural sciences of the "positive sciences" of society. Therefore, resulting the tenants of positivism or the positivist perspective.

Positivism can be classified into two; logical positivism and legal positivism.

Legal positivism - is an idea or law merely based on government official decision. Anything to do with moral or emotion simply cannot become a base on how the society gonna react with an official decided law. Legal positivism purified the view of exactness over the different opinion believing in society. 

Normally, law were viewed as an extension of moral norms that exactly already existed in society. Legal positivism prioritize to obey the law (which has been officially authorize) itself even it is not necessary justified or ethically. That is because there may be thousand slightly different view of moral and ethics and thus could cause mess and chaos. That is why legal positivism is necessary to maintain order in society.

Logical positivism - is the most popular style of thinking and may have been existed for over thousand years; starting with the very first generation of human society. It is more to distinguish the truth or false of a certain philosophy statement which attempted to make a philosophy become more rigid. Verifiability become its main criteria for any statement and come from two different type of sources:
  1. Empirical statement - comes from science knowledge and theories.
  2. Analytical truth - true or false analytical based from definition.
These concept may have been influencing philosophy of  science, logic, and language but nowadays, it has been seen as overly simplistic approach as new philosophy replace them. This is because this philosophy mainly regard the view of true, false or meaningless as the main aspect as the best way to look over a statement. Meanwhile nowadays they only see a philosophy based from truth or falsity of a statement in probabilistic. 

The clash of philosophy resulting conflict as logical positivist claim that this is more to be a cluster philosophy rather than a monolithic code. Briefly to understand, logical positivist are rejecting ethic and aesthetics as being unverifiable and not regard as a part of philosophy. A statement must be proof based on either empirical data or analytical truth. Honestly, logical positivist connecting philosophy more to science and has been playing a vital part in the formulation of philosophical ideas throughout the 20th century.

“Phenomenology advocates the scientific study of immediate experiences and focuses on events, occurrences and happenings as one experiences them, with a minimum of regard for the external, physical reality” (Fellows and Liu, 2008, p.70)
 In other word, phenomenology means of an event or experience. Phenomenology or we can call phenomena inclusive of role and function in many kind of aspect, which we can refer as the way of thinking. As the phenomenology itself is the one method way of thinking, "a way of looking things".

 The main advantages and disadvantages associated with positivism and phenomenology are presented on the following table by Armstrong (2010) as taken from Easterby-Smith et al (1991).

Wide coverage of the range of situations
Methods tend to be flexible and artificial
Can be fast and economical
Not very effective in understanding processes or the significance people attach to actions
May be relevant to policy decisions when statistics are exaggerated in large samples
Not very helpful in generating theories

Because it focuses on what is or what has been recently, it makes it hard for policy makers to infer what actions should take place in the future
Gather data which is seen as natural rather than artificial
Data gathering can take up a great deal of time and resources
Contribute to the development of new theories
The analysis and interpretation of data may be difficult
Help to adjust to new issues and ideas as they emerge
May be harder than positivist approach to control pace, progress and end points
Help to understand people’s meanings
Policy-makers may give low credibility to a phenomenological study
Can look at change processes over time


The reality is?
Despite of many kind of ways to interpret philosophy of positivism, the application is still the same. Through many numerous and countless experienced by the society, it resulted in either by expected result or they experience the loss which eventually bring benefit to former in future. In other word, there will be something to achieve if we keep with the spirit of positive throughout the entire live. Even so, being positive bluntly without any concrete statement or gold in future are extremely prohibit because it is nature of human to not afford of any vain on their action.

Monday 10 March 2014

The Important of Soft Skills Among Students

     Soft skills is a term often associated with a person's "EQ" (Emotional Intelligence Quotient), the cluster of personality traits, social graces, communication, language, personal habits, friendliness, and optimism that characterize relationships with other people. Soft skills complement hard skills which are the occupational requirements of a job and many other activities. Generally, soft skill related to job and individual ability to perform a task regarding work.

    Soft skills merely important especially to fresh graduates because for some reason they are gonna facing many problem and stress throughout their work later. There would be many type of soft skill which is basically important for fresh graduate such as the ability to perform task, the ability to carry out the order, punctuality and discipline on work, good communication between staffs and upper management, and good critical thinking skills. 

     Most of the employer are expecting to see their future staff especially from fresh graduate to have these type of soft skills. This is because along with commitment and loyalty to company, usually these students will be able to become a successful staff in the company. Along with experience gained by time, student can raise their reputation and eventually to have a successful job with high paid salary.

     Soft skills also helping students to overcome fear and raise their confident level when it come to communication between two side, especially during the interview session. It does not matter what kind of interview it is, either by work interview or scholarship selection because most of the interviewer is looking for the first good impression. That first impression would obviously come from the student itself. If the students are showing doubt impression, low self-esteem and have no self-marketing, he would be probably fail from the selection or not being recruited. 

     These individual skills does not come naturally. The student must practice the way how they think, the way how he speak to people especially with high ranked people, and the way how he express himself. This can be done by the moment students stepping their feet into college or university. The negative thinking that usually we can see among the students nowadays need to be change. It is because this kind of thinking related to self confident. The less optimistic he can be, the less confident level he can gain.  Besides, to obtain a good soft skills, one must practice with a mentor. A good mentor can teach the students about the essential of soft skills and how to develop personal skills along with their soft skills.

     In conclusion, soft skills are very important to students before they step up to the job world. These skills empower them to understand who they are and how best they can come across as competent individuals in any given situation. It doesn't matter how high the CGPA that the students get because if they does not have good soft skills they will have a problem during their work time. Because studying and gaining qualifications is often embarked upon to enhance employment prospects, it Is inevitable that employers will factor this into their criteria when selecting suitable candidates. Thus, the skills that students are exposed to and expected to practice in academia should be representative of, and fulfill the requirements of the business world.



     Modern life is full of hassles, frustrations and demands. Nowadays, when living in the world full of challenges one requires both emotionally and physically strength in order to survive. For many people, dealing with kind of situation from day to day is quite tired and sometimes they will experienced some weird yet discomfort feeling. That feeling is called "stress". The question that always crossed in our mind is what is the meaning of stress actually?

     Basically, stress is a normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened or upset your balance in some way. In medical definition, stress may be considered as any physical, chemical, or emotional factors that causes bodily or mental unrest and that may be a factor in causing disease. Physical and chemical factors that can cause stress include trauma, infections, toxins, illnesses and injuries of any sort. There are many example of stress such as life stress and work stress.

     It has been known that there are 2 factors that causes stress which are external factors and internal factors. Even though that most of the stress are caused by external factors but of course not all stress is caused by external factors. Stress can also be self-generated, for example, when you worry excessively about something that may be not happen, or have irrational, pessimistic thoughts about life. What causes stress depends, at least in part, on your perception of it. Something that's stressful to you may not faze someone else; they may even enjoy it. For example, your morning commute may make you anxious and tense because you worry that traffic will make you late. Others, however may find trip relaxing because they allow more than enough time and enjoy listening to music while they drive. The example of external causes of stress are major life changes, work or school, relationship difficulties, financial problems, being too busy and children or family. Moreover, the example of internal causes of stress are chronic worry, pessimism, negative self-talk, unrealistic expectations, rigid thinking and all-or-nothing attitude.

     Medical studies show that there are various symptoms of stress. The 3 most common symptoms of stress are psychological, emotional and physical. Studies showed that everyone reacts stress in different ways. However, there are some common symptoms to look out for. Psychological symptoms can include constant worrying, an inability to concentrate, poor judgement, seeing only the negative, anxious thoughts and memory problems. You can also get emotional symptoms, including mood swings, an inability to relax, feeling overwhelmed, a sense of loneliness and depressiion. You may also get physical symptoms which include aces and pain, diarrhoea and constipation, chest pains, nausea or dizziness, and frequent colds

    How to deal with stress? There are three broad methods we can follow to treat stress, they include self-help, self-management and medication.

Self help for treating stress:

Exercise - exercise has been proven to have beneficial effect on person's mental and physical state. For many people exercise is an extremely effective stress buster.
Division of labor - try to delegate your responsibilities at work, or share them. If you make yourself indispensable the likelihood of your feeling highly stresses is significantly greater.
Assertiveness - don't say yes to everything. If you can't do something well, or if something is not your responsibility, try to seek ways of not agreeing to do them.
Caffeine -  if your consumption of coffee and other drinks which contain caffeine is high, cut down.
Nutrition - eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Make sure you have a healthy and balanced diet.
Seek professional help - if stress is affecting the way you function; go and see your doctor. Heightened stress prolonged periods can be bad for your physical and mental health.
Relaxation techniques - meditation, massage, or yoga have been known to greatly help people with stress.

Stress management can help you to either remove or change the source of stresses alter you a view stressful event, lower the impact that stress might have on your body, and teach you alternative way of coping. Stress management techniques can be gained if you read self-help books, or attend a stress management course. You can also seek the help of a counselor or physiotherapist for personal development or therapy sessions. Many therapies which help you relax, such as aromatherapy, or reflexology, may have a beneficial effect.

Doctors will not usually prescribe medications for coping with stress, unless the patient has an underlying illness, such as depression or some type of anxiety. If that is the case, the doctor is actually treating mental illness. In such cases, an antidepressant may be prescribed. Bear in mind that there is a risk that all the medication will do mask in stress, rather than help you deal and cope it.


Sunday 9 March 2014


Purpose of taboos  

In the past , the taboo is used as a means to deliver instruction to the community. A regulation will be enforced taboos that come with community afraid to break the rules. Most are aimed at educating the public to practice good values ​​in life. Taboos first practiced by the Malay community also seeks to educate the public to practice good values ​​in their life. It also practiced as taboo as the estate of their ancestors and for those responsible for the practice and the tradition down to their children or their grandchildren. In a taboo has its own meaning that will benefit their lives .

Example of  Malay community taboos:

First Taboos
 " Do not sit on pillows, will be ulcerous in the butt " 
 Since childhood , mother father and elders so prevent us from sitting on a pillow allegedly feared would arise boils on the buttocks . Indeed, young children love to play with pillows and cushions are often also as a sink respectively . The firmness of the pillow makes the reason why little kids like to sit on it .Actually we are prohibited to sit on a pillow because the pillow is where we put the head during sleep . It is impolite if we put our backs on a pillow headrest when we lie down or sleep . Taboos are actually teaching children that polite because sitting on a pillow is bad habit and somewhat call less polite . Furthermore , if there are guests in the house , it is impolite if the pillow occupied by us was later extended to guests to sleep . In addition, most of the pillow is made ​​from 'kekabu'. If absorbed a sitting posture , fear of going 'kekabu' pillow next  to be torn off and scattered . This will cause problems for others. Naturally these taboos should be maintained and followed, as if seen from the point of the absolutely taboo to sit on a pillow has an implicit rationale . Application of values ​​cleanliness , respect and manners can be clearly seen in this taboo . At the present time there is a special pillows to be a cushion , so no need for a pillow as a headrest  was equally made ​​cushion.

  Second Taboos

" Do not drink water while eating, later cause distended "

 Practice eating and drinking way too was not spared from being one of the aspects contained in the Malay community taboos . In fact, the practice of eating and drinking is one aspect that has many taboos . This is because eating and drinking are things we do every day and the way we eat and drink is actually always the concern of people around us. Many Malay taboo associated with feeding practices for each individual health is closely related to nutritional habits.Societies in the past does not encourage anyone to drink water while eating, or in other words, eating and drinking alternately with water . This practice is said to cause obesity and stomach becomes distended . This is because food can not be digested properly . So , if viewed from the perspective of health, this taboo is advisable to follow. Prohibition is clearly in line with scientific facts that show eating habits while punctuated with drinking water may harm the digestive processes take place in a person. It will also have an impact on our energy. In addition to food and drinking water is also believed can  weaken of sexual energy .

Third Taboos

" Do not cut nails at night , will be approached unfortunate" 

Old Malay community is always wise in inserting restrictive on young children through taboos mentioned. Taboos cutting nails at night is often also said to be emphasized in any unfortunate event came to do. If viewed from the logical , we could not see where the relationship between cutting nails with misfortune would befall . But as we all know, many of the taboos of the Malay community there is always exactly the spirit. Taboos mentioned merely to cause fear and terror among the children to do something that is forbidden.If viewed from the point of rationality , taboo cutting nails at night is no truth in prohibiting . We know, in the olden days no electricity and only have oil lamps. And of course, the view at night is unclear and ambiguous . But this prohibition is precisely to avoid excessive cut nails or cut his own finger as the ability of the eye is not quite clear .Along with the development time , although there has been a electric, this taboo still have rational to follow. Even though, there is light from electric lamps , the night is still not bright as a day. Add to that personal condition starting a sleepy , also feared would hurt finger while cutting the nails .

In conclusion, cultural taboo in our society actually implied a very valuable lesson if we understand the meaning behind this taboos. It guide us how to become a good, polite and discipline person. We can use this taboo in our conversation and daily life. For example, if we want to give some advice to someone without hurting their feelings, we can use taboo to make the advice easier to be accepted. Taboo is the historical heritage, so as the new generation we should protect and preserve it from extinction through the time.

Baby Dumping?

Baby dumping issues are no longer new issues to society in Malaysia. This phenomena commonly occur involving student and teenagers. A saddening reality that this incident happen in the country which proclaimed as Islamic country. Islam actually a religion that emphasize good moral value, high intellectual and most of all, of course forbidding this kind of action. Thus, it is truly weird and far from our logic thinking, seeing this kind of unmoral and mean could actually happen in this country.


Open social between genders.

                   To actually understand the reason keep in thought in mind "why this kind of event could ever happen in our daily life, in this twenty century?" And more of all, why there would be no single sign that this kind of phenomena could ever reach to the end? First of all, if we take a look into the time where our ancestor, our great grandfather and grandmother lived. Comparing with nowadays, too much differentiation with them. From the aspect of lifestyle, social with no break limits, and the most important is self-restriction because muslim especially stand from malay people, they actually have been practiced good moral and great culture for centuries. Along with islam's guideline and law especially regarding things relating opposite gender, there were actually no such things like the virgin going out with her couple until late midnight or the boy and girl both together alone at somewhere place dark. Our time has become so much differ from the previous generation. This kind of lifestyle actually lead our generation into an open social between the genders and almost without limitation, plus with the existence of social media like weechat, whatsapp, facebook, twitter and instagram. 

Sex without marriage and porn film.

                  This country has come to it worst when open sex without marriage between couples become normal. Premarital sex is actually prohibited in Islam and it is believe, the same  for others religious in this country. But still, why sex without marriage are even happen to occur in this country? Tons of porn film and 18+ age scene from industrial film are freely to be obtained and become children and teens to watch. It is actually stimulate the eager to doing it so. Especially for couples that are one step behind from marriage. Plus, existence of prostitution indirectly contribute in baby dumping. Moreover if the prostitude are happen to be a victim cruelness from someone she know or maybe her relative, and she actually in pregnancy. Some people might be thinking alternate way by throwing the baby once she deliver the baby, thinking that status her baby is illegitimate child could disgrace her and her family's reputation.


                 There would be many more specific reason that we can point out, but instead of listing thousands reason, it would be better if we, the society together with force by government, helping in reducing this kind of issue. Family and house would be the first aspect to look into. Parents should never let go of their child especially when the child are start to know the friends, love and world. They need guidance as much when they are in process to know world. Sufficient religion teaching and noble characteristic exposure by parents would do to restrict their child fron involve in this kind of teenagers problem.
                Most of the cases, couple tend to cast themselves away from society and turn out to be more wild. This is because they knew that society will do none except criticize and insult these young mother. So that is why most of the girl choose to throw the baby away instead of taking care of them and do in front of society. These young mother need protection and help especially when they in time to labor the children. Even though they have done wrong, it just seems wrong if we decide to punish them without giving them any space to repent.
Allah says “If you shun the most heinous sins which you are forbidden, We will do away with your small sins and admit you to a gate of great honor.” [Sûrah al-Nisâ’: 31]
                 What matter is how the teenagers gonna act and respond in such issue. If we talk about religion, mostly are highlighting and priotize on self-restriction on not doing any bad things, good moral value and of course NOT TO MURDER INNOCENT PEOPLE. In this case, baby are given from god and how preciously and innocent they are the moment they are born. In islam, ummah has been strictly reminded, never get themselves involved in 'zina' as it has become main contribution to this problem, as Allah has stated in quran.
Allah says "Wala taqrabu l-zina innahu kana fahishatan* wasaa sabilan" [Q17:32]. "And do not go near the immoral. Verily, that is unconscionable and an evil way."

My Journey

Hi everyone. I'm Mohamad Muizz Bin Abdul Aziz. Some people call me 'Angah' and I like it because it make me feel friendly. I'm 24 years old but I feel like I'm always 18 years old, hope for that.I was born in Langkawi on 27th December 1990 and lived there for almost 10 years.I moved to Setiawangsa,Kuala Lumpur since i was 10 years old and graduated in SPM at Sek.Men.Keb.Taman Setiawangsa.In 2011 I'm graduated from Kolej Kemahiran Tinggi Mara in Diploma in mechanical gas engineering.I've get offered from Maju Gas Engineering as a gas supervisor and worked there for almost a year.As a requested from family,I futher degree in sound and music engineering at Limkokwing University in 2012.Unfortunately,I'd quit from studies because of financial problem.I've decided to study in oil and gas side and I got a chance study in Micet.I'm willing of working on offshore one day.So I will learn more and strive to be the best in Micet,even the learning of chemical is someting new for me. Insyaallah.