Sunday 9 March 2014

Baby Dumping?

Baby dumping issues are no longer new issues to society in Malaysia. This phenomena commonly occur involving student and teenagers. A saddening reality that this incident happen in the country which proclaimed as Islamic country. Islam actually a religion that emphasize good moral value, high intellectual and most of all, of course forbidding this kind of action. Thus, it is truly weird and far from our logic thinking, seeing this kind of unmoral and mean could actually happen in this country.


Open social between genders.

                   To actually understand the reason keep in thought in mind "why this kind of event could ever happen in our daily life, in this twenty century?" And more of all, why there would be no single sign that this kind of phenomena could ever reach to the end? First of all, if we take a look into the time where our ancestor, our great grandfather and grandmother lived. Comparing with nowadays, too much differentiation with them. From the aspect of lifestyle, social with no break limits, and the most important is self-restriction because muslim especially stand from malay people, they actually have been practiced good moral and great culture for centuries. Along with islam's guideline and law especially regarding things relating opposite gender, there were actually no such things like the virgin going out with her couple until late midnight or the boy and girl both together alone at somewhere place dark. Our time has become so much differ from the previous generation. This kind of lifestyle actually lead our generation into an open social between the genders and almost without limitation, plus with the existence of social media like weechat, whatsapp, facebook, twitter and instagram. 

Sex without marriage and porn film.

                  This country has come to it worst when open sex without marriage between couples become normal. Premarital sex is actually prohibited in Islam and it is believe, the same  for others religious in this country. But still, why sex without marriage are even happen to occur in this country? Tons of porn film and 18+ age scene from industrial film are freely to be obtained and become children and teens to watch. It is actually stimulate the eager to doing it so. Especially for couples that are one step behind from marriage. Plus, existence of prostitution indirectly contribute in baby dumping. Moreover if the prostitude are happen to be a victim cruelness from someone she know or maybe her relative, and she actually in pregnancy. Some people might be thinking alternate way by throwing the baby once she deliver the baby, thinking that status her baby is illegitimate child could disgrace her and her family's reputation.


                 There would be many more specific reason that we can point out, but instead of listing thousands reason, it would be better if we, the society together with force by government, helping in reducing this kind of issue. Family and house would be the first aspect to look into. Parents should never let go of their child especially when the child are start to know the friends, love and world. They need guidance as much when they are in process to know world. Sufficient religion teaching and noble characteristic exposure by parents would do to restrict their child fron involve in this kind of teenagers problem.
                Most of the cases, couple tend to cast themselves away from society and turn out to be more wild. This is because they knew that society will do none except criticize and insult these young mother. So that is why most of the girl choose to throw the baby away instead of taking care of them and do in front of society. These young mother need protection and help especially when they in time to labor the children. Even though they have done wrong, it just seems wrong if we decide to punish them without giving them any space to repent.
Allah says “If you shun the most heinous sins which you are forbidden, We will do away with your small sins and admit you to a gate of great honor.” [Sûrah al-Nisâ’: 31]
                 What matter is how the teenagers gonna act and respond in such issue. If we talk about religion, mostly are highlighting and priotize on self-restriction on not doing any bad things, good moral value and of course NOT TO MURDER INNOCENT PEOPLE. In this case, baby are given from god and how preciously and innocent they are the moment they are born. In islam, ummah has been strictly reminded, never get themselves involved in 'zina' as it has become main contribution to this problem, as Allah has stated in quran.
Allah says "Wala taqrabu l-zina innahu kana fahishatan* wasaa sabilan" [Q17:32]. "And do not go near the immoral. Verily, that is unconscionable and an evil way."

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