Monday 10 March 2014

The Important of Soft Skills Among Students

     Soft skills is a term often associated with a person's "EQ" (Emotional Intelligence Quotient), the cluster of personality traits, social graces, communication, language, personal habits, friendliness, and optimism that characterize relationships with other people. Soft skills complement hard skills which are the occupational requirements of a job and many other activities. Generally, soft skill related to job and individual ability to perform a task regarding work.

    Soft skills merely important especially to fresh graduates because for some reason they are gonna facing many problem and stress throughout their work later. There would be many type of soft skill which is basically important for fresh graduate such as the ability to perform task, the ability to carry out the order, punctuality and discipline on work, good communication between staffs and upper management, and good critical thinking skills. 

     Most of the employer are expecting to see their future staff especially from fresh graduate to have these type of soft skills. This is because along with commitment and loyalty to company, usually these students will be able to become a successful staff in the company. Along with experience gained by time, student can raise their reputation and eventually to have a successful job with high paid salary.

     Soft skills also helping students to overcome fear and raise their confident level when it come to communication between two side, especially during the interview session. It does not matter what kind of interview it is, either by work interview or scholarship selection because most of the interviewer is looking for the first good impression. That first impression would obviously come from the student itself. If the students are showing doubt impression, low self-esteem and have no self-marketing, he would be probably fail from the selection or not being recruited. 

     These individual skills does not come naturally. The student must practice the way how they think, the way how he speak to people especially with high ranked people, and the way how he express himself. This can be done by the moment students stepping their feet into college or university. The negative thinking that usually we can see among the students nowadays need to be change. It is because this kind of thinking related to self confident. The less optimistic he can be, the less confident level he can gain.  Besides, to obtain a good soft skills, one must practice with a mentor. A good mentor can teach the students about the essential of soft skills and how to develop personal skills along with their soft skills.

     In conclusion, soft skills are very important to students before they step up to the job world. These skills empower them to understand who they are and how best they can come across as competent individuals in any given situation. It doesn't matter how high the CGPA that the students get because if they does not have good soft skills they will have a problem during their work time. Because studying and gaining qualifications is often embarked upon to enhance employment prospects, it Is inevitable that employers will factor this into their criteria when selecting suitable candidates. Thus, the skills that students are exposed to and expected to practice in academia should be representative of, and fulfill the requirements of the business world.


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